Twenty years ago, the Hambledon Village Trust purchased the shop and the attached Pendle Cottage. This was shortly after the shop had re-opened as a community venture; and the purchase has assured its long-term future.
The 18th century building is now in urgent need of a new roof. Tiles have been falling off, beams need to be strengthened, there is no underlay and what insulation there is has worn thin. The flat roof over the shop frontage, the deli roof and the garage roof also require attention. It is estimated that the work involved will cost in the region of £100,000. This sum is way beyond the financial means of the Trust. Its only income is from the rents charged to the shop and the cottage tenant.
A fund-raising appeal for the roof replacement was launched at the Village Fete in June, asking for donations to be made to a special ring-fenced fund that has been established, via the Hambledon Community Fund, within the Community Foundation for Surrey.
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