Shop Roof fund – a wonderful New Year present

Hambldeon Village Trust Trustees are delighted that Kevin Deanus, Surrey County Council Councillor for Waverley and Eastern Villages, has confirmed that we have been successful in a grant application for the new shop roof. A magnificent £20k has been allocated to our village project from the SCC Your Community Fund.

This has made a significant change to the fund-raising thermometer which now stands at approximately £75k. Work continues to finalise the tendering process.   

A very big thank you to Kevin Deanus and everyone who has donated so far. The shop is at the centre of our community and it will be splendid when it has a roof which is watertight and secure, whatever the weather.

Our shop needs a roof!

Twenty years ago, the Hambledon Village Trust purchased the shop and the attached Pendle Cottage. This was shortly after the shop had re-opened as a community venture; and the purchase has assured its long-term future.

The 18th century building is now in urgent need of a new roof. Tiles have been falling off, beams need to be strengthened, there is no underlay and what insulation there is has worn thin. The flat roof over the shop frontage, the deli roof and the garage roof also require attention. It is estimated that the work involved will cost in the region of £100,000. This sum is way beyond the financial means of the Trust. Its only income is from the rents charged to the shop and the cottage tenant.

A fund-raising appeal for the roof replacement was launched at the Village Fete in June, asking for donations to be made to a special ring-fenced fund that has been established, via the Hambledon Community Fund, within the Community Foundation for Surrey.

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As seen on Hambledon Common…

Silver-studded Blue butterfly

It’s not just smooth snakes, slow worms and sand lizards that are returning as a result of Stephen Dean’s conservation work on Hambledon Common. The latest exciting arrival is the Silver-studded Blue butterfly.

On July 4th Harry Clarke, butterfly recorder for Surrey, visited Hambledon and Buss’s Commons. As well as the usual Meadow Brown and Large  Skipper, he found two Small Coppers and, best of all, two Silver-studded Blues. The Silver-studded Blue is a rare heathland butterfly, confined to small colonies in England and Wales. It owes its name to the male whose wings are blue with a dark border on the upper side and black, orange and green spots (“studs”) and flecks on the underside. The female is brown and, like the male, also has distinct metallic spots on her hind wings.  

Silver-studied Blues have declined substantially since the 1970s and are now of conservation concern; so finding them on Hambledon Common is especially good news. They are dependent on the Small Black Ant (Lasius niger) throughout their larval and pupal stages. The ants feed on the honeydew-like liquid secreted by the larvae. In return, the ants take the larvae down into their nests and protect them. The ants nest in bare un-shaded spots such as those parts of the Common where rabbits keep the vegetation short and expose areas of open ground. The butterflies emerge in June and feed on the nectar of the bell heather and crossleaved heath, which are in flower during their flight season. 

Hambledon Village Shop Annual Meeting 7th July 2016



The Annual Members Meeting of THE HAMBLEDON VILLAGE SHOP LIMITED will be held on Thursday 7th July 2016 at 7.30pm in Hambledon Village Hall.

All Members (being persons whose names are listed on the Register of Members as holding shares) are invited to attend and vote at the meeting.

The business to be dealt with is as follows:

  1. To receive the Annual Accounts for the financial year ending 31 January 2016
  2. To receive a report on the performance of the shop during the financial year ending 31 January 2016 and the Management Committee’s plans for the current and next financial years
  3. To elect members of the Management Committee

21 June 2016

Management Committee

 HAMBLEDON VILLAGE SHOP LIMITED is a Community Benefit Society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014

Hambledon scenes 026 _2_

Love living in Hambledon and want to help the community?

The Hambledon Community Fund is looking for volunteers who love living in Hambledon and would like to help the community. If you have
  • suggestions for an event
  • can help with organisation
  • have thoughts on where the fund might allocate a grant
  • or how we can improve anything

Please contact Julie for a chat  on 07768033611 /

No long term commitment is necessary.

Too good to throw away?

jumble sale

The Management Committee of Hambledon Village Hall is organising a Traditional Jumble Sale to raise funds.

This will be held on April 16, more details to follow.

Do you have objects in your home that you have never used or things that have been used, are still in good condition but you don’t need anymore?

Please contact John Tidmarsh on 01428 682067 to see if they are suitable to be recycled at the jumble sale.

Village Christmas Dance – a big success

Attendance at the annual Hambledon Village Christmas Dance was an all time high. A grand total of £1050 was raised, after expenses. This will be split between the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice and the Hambledon Community Pavilion at the football club’s Badger Park ground.

The dance, featuring live music, bar and buffet, was held on December 12 at the village hall. A big thank you to the team who made it happen and to everyone who attended.