Please take a look at the Easter page on godalmingminster.org for everything happening at St Peter’s Hambledon, and across Godalming Minster over Easter. As well as observing Easter with reverence, there’s several more inclusive and social ways for everyone to get involved.
Highlights at Hambledon include An Hour at the cross at from 12-1pm on Good Friday, before the trekkers arrive from Busbridge for tea and hot cross buns at the end of the Hot Cross Bun Adventure. If you want to join them, please meet at Godalming Minster Brighton Road at 2.30pm.
Messy Easter on Sat 30th is a real treat for younger ones. Meet at the Village Hall at 10am for a walk up to Hambledon Common where there’ll be games and an egg hunt on the sandpit.
Then come along to church at 10am on Easter Day to celebrate Jesus is Risen!
There’s no morning service on 7th April, but do please join us for the Spring Choral Evensong at 6pm (with thanks in advance to the very accomplished pop-up choir!).