Hambledon’s Annual Village Meeting, hosted by the Parish Council at the Village Hall this Thursday evening, is to be addressed by Inspector Gary Smith, Waverley Borough Commander for Surrey Police.
He will give an overview of policing in the borough as well as deal with concerns about speeding traffic in the village.
The Parish Council has been exploring various road traffic initiatives and has held meetings with police and Surrey County Council highways engineers in recent months. However, it has been made clear that no traffic calming measures are likely to be introduced.
Budget restraints and a lack of statistical evidence to indicate that Hambledon has a speeding problem have been cited as reasons why the village can expect little in the way of new measures. The council had been exploring a proposal for a 20mph speed restriction in the centre.
The Annual Meeting will provide an opportunity to ask questions of our borough commander as well as hear more about what the Parish Council has been trying to achieve.
There will also be an opportunity to consider whether Hambledon wants to set up a Community Speed Watch where volunteers, with police training, use detection devices to check on the speed of vehicles in the village. Those caught above the limit are sent warning letters.
This would also be a means of determining whether speeding is a real issue and not just anecdotal and would help reinforce the case for traffic calming measures.
The scheme would have to be run by villagers and without sufficient volunteers it will not happen.
Those interested in taking part will be asked to sign their names at the end of the meeting, which will also hear annual reports from the Parish Council and village clubs and organisations.
Refreshments will be served from 7.30pm and the meeting starts at 8pm. (See previous news item for more information)
Details will also be given about taking part in the annual village clean-up, which takes places on Saturday (April 27th) followed at around noon by a parish barbecue outside the village shop.
All are welcome at the Annual Meeting, the clean-up and the barbecue.
I am unable to attend the meeting but would volunteer on a speed watch if we could over the stretch by Hambledon FC. I witnessed a near miss head. On collision this Weekend on this stretch and speeds are. 60mph us on this part of the road and very dangerous.
Thank you for volunteering for Community Speed Watch – please may you send me your contact details so that I can add you to the list.
Mary Grove
It’s much dangerous than i thought…
I’m sorry I didn’t attend but I would like to hear all about it!