‘Mountain Music’ at the Village Hall – October 11th,


On Friday, October 11th the Village Hall Committee is hosting a new musical production called Mountain Music from the award-winning Little Bulb Theatre Company. It is part of an initiative by Farnham Maltings, supported by Waverley Borough Council to promote theatre in Village Halls and the production is currently on a national tour.

It tells the story of American country music from its celtic origins in the UK to the present day. It is performed by a small group of talented musician/actors and we are expecting beautiful harmonies, swinging country music and a good old-fashioned hoedown!

Watch the video below to brighten up a rainy day and get a taste of what’s to come!

This promises to be a wonderful evening and we really want to support this worthwhile initiative from the Maltings so please do come along to the village hall on Friday 11th October at 7.30.

Tickets are £12 (£10 for under 16s) available, as always, from the Village Shop.

Tickets can also be bought online from Eventbrite at the following https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mountain-music-tickets-74006703041 Please note that online tickets incur a booking fee of £1.52 per each adult ticket and £1.37 per each child’s ticket.



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