Hambledon Coal Yard – Now…and Then

Small businesses operating out of Hambledon’s former coal yard have grouped together to showcase what they have to offer on a new website which also promotes wider village attractions.

Under the banner of Coal Yard Creatives, the website was set up by Ian and Alpa Cox, after relocating their micro gin distillery to one of the new units.

Currently the yard hosts a range of small enterprises including tile maker, a joinery, party shop, bespoke bakery, catering service, florist and upholsterer, and a martial arts studio, with potentially more to come.

The new website also provides links to a range of activities, houses and gardens open to the public, nearby walks, the village shop and pub. It also links to Hambledon Village website.

Ian and Alpa hope that Coal Yard Creatives will be a shop window to visitors on all that Hambledon has to offer, who may wish to stay on to enjoy a day out in the Surrey Hills.

It can be found at www.coalyardcreatives.com

It is the latest chapter in the history of the yard which once supplied the village with its coal and other heating supplies, before closing in the 1990s.

The village website takes a look back at how things used to be. Please read on.

The yard was run by the Freemantles, a family who could trace back five generations living in Hambledon.  All sons were called either Ephraim or William. An advert in the January 1944 edition of the Parish Magazine shows them trading as a “Wood and Coal Merchant and General Haulage Contractor” from a site called Philpott’s, which was probably in a yard off the Cricket Green.

(Interestingly, an advert on the same page shows a market gardener operating from the Merry Harriers, selling fresh vegetables and “all kinds of plants”, and by 1948 the pub was offering a car hire and repair service.)

Coal was delivered by rail and the Freemantles had their own railway wagon which would be detached at Witley Station, where there was a siding. Coal was collected by horse and cart (later by lorry) and taken to the yard, where it was bagged and delivered around the village.

Ephraim Freemantle acquired land then known as Glebe Meadow, on Hambledon Road between the imposing Glebe House and the 16th Century Merry Harriers pub.

He married Gwen, who he met after she moved from Wales to teach at the village school during the Second World War. In 1948 they were given permission to build a house at the yard, which they called Dares Mead, now Dare Mead. The Freemantle family owned quite a lot of land in the area and built many houses locally.

Later parish magazine adverts show that the Freemantles had added Calor Gas supplies to their range of services.

Colin Beasley, who grew up in the Merry Harriers, becoming its landlord, remembers the yard was immaculately kept by Eph and Gwen Freemantle and they grew vegetables at the rear which were offered for sale.

Upon the death of Eph the yard was taken on by his son George and his wife Margaret. In 1999, when Hambledon Parish Council conducted and published a Village Snapshot for the new millennium, Margaret recalled: “My father-in-law hated the name Ephraim and had decided not to pass it on. My husband George went into partnership with his father…and took over the business on his death”.

George will be remembered by long-standing villagers, trundling around the lanes on his steam road roller called Lady Margaret. He also had a steam lorry. He was a skilled engineer and machined all the parts needed to renovate his engines.

Although villagers could expect a friendly toot on the whistle if they waved, dog walkers and campers at the Merry Harriers had to beware if they accidentally strayed onto his land from the adjacent foot path, to where he kept geese. Colin recalls: “There were numerous instances when camper’s dogs and children trespassed on the coal yard back field, usually accompanied by George shouting ‘Margaret, git the gun’, although he never actually used it!”

Tim Coleman remembers fishing with his brother John in Alfrey’s Pond opposite the yard and Glebe House. John fell in and disturbed a large pike, which they endeavoured to catch. Hearing their shouts George emerged with his gun…and shot it.

George employed a coal lady who was known to customers as “Lady Phillipa” and was reputed to have been from a titled family. She was a familiar sight in the village, wearing a flat cap and covered in coal dust as she heaved sacks over her shoulder to make deliveries, rarely stopping to talk.

Sadly, the yard became rather run down, no doubt as a consequence of falling demand for domestic coal and coke.  After George died at a relatively young age it ceased trading. Margaret sold the business but retained the house and yard.

In the early 2000’s, Hambledon Parish Council supported an initiative for a small development of commercial units. The council was keen to support a “hub” of local enterprises and replace the dilapidated buildings. Permission was given and more units at the back of the yard have been added recently.

Gwen, who was involved in many areas of village life, moved back to Wales where she died at the age of 94 in 2009. Margaret and her son Derek moved away. The yard now belongs to local groundworks contractor Richard Field and the units are leased.

Stewart Payne, with thanks to the Parish Magazine archives, the Hambledon Village Snapshot and Heritage albums…and a little shared knowledge from villagers.

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Jane steen
Jane steen
4 years ago

Fantastic article, I had not fully appreciated how many generations the family had lived in the village. I recall visiting regularly to see Liz, George & Margaret’s eldest in the late 80’s, well before the current development. Unfortunately we lost touch and I often wonder how she is getting on. I remember Margaret always had the kettle on. This certainly brings back fond memories from my youth.

Andrea Freemantle
Andrea Freemantle
4 years ago

My name is Andrea Freemantle and my grandmother was Muriel Freemantle, I have a lot of memories of visiting from Canada. I also moved back to England for awhile with my mum and my brother and sister. I went to school in Hambledon and Auntie Gwen was my teacher.

Valerie Copplestone
Valerie Copplestone
4 years ago

It is a shame this article does not reflect the fact that my mother, Gwen Fremantle, taught at Hambledon Village School for 40 years! Perhaps you would be kind enough to make that acknowledgment in the article for those who will remember her well.

Stewart Payne
Stewart Payne
4 years ago

Hello Valerie. I wrote the article on the Old Coal Yard on which you comment and I did mention that your mother taught at the village school. I am happy to expand on that if you want to give me a little more background than I already know. Incidentally, you may recall my wife Mary and I, as we bought your old house, Wayside, Hydestile, from you more than 30 years ago, and where we still happily live. I did try and contact you once before when an old fellow in Australia, who had lived in this house in the… Read more »

Mike Sullivan
Mike Sullivan
4 years ago

In 1976-1978 my wife Lindsay and I lived in Boggy Lodge, which was at the bottom of the field behind Enton Hall. Our income was low, two very small children and a cold house. Every Saturday morning I drove to Freemantles’ yard for a hundredweight of coal, and a big bag of coal dust. With that and logs that I had from my job as a a Tree Surgeon with Surrey County Council at the Witley depot I kept Lindsay, James and Lucy and me warm through some pretty Savage winters. Happy memories of the coal yard and open fires.… Read more »

Stewart Payne
Stewart Payne
4 years ago
Reply to  Mike Sullivan

It is interesting to hear from you Mike. Boggy Lodge has been recently boarded up. Is that it’s real name?. I have often wondered, as we wade through the mud outside on our walks. I presume it is owned by someone living around Enton/Water Lane? A lovely, but damp, setting! Stewart, from the website team.

Derek King
Derek King
3 years ago
Reply to  Stewart Payne

Memories!!! I was lucky enough to be friends with George Freemantle during primary school (Gwen taught me as well) and secondary school years. Ephy took us to grand prix’s, motorbike scrambles and many times we stayed at the Freemantles caravan at Pagham. George taught me to sail on the Pagham lagoon in his enterprise dinghy. In 1963 during the big freeze George and i walked, on the ice, all the way down the stream from the coal yard and onto Boggy Lodge lake. Not sure if that was the correct name but thats what us boys called it. We caught… Read more »

Alex Thomas
Alex Thomas
4 months ago

Thank you for doing these interesting articles.
It is keeping Hambledon history alive.
I do remember the coal yard.
So glad it now has a new and active life again.

Gordon Hammond
Gordon Hammond
4 months ago

I have found this article very interesting. Having been born in Hambledon and spending many years, from 1944 to leaving the village in 1971, knowing the Freemantles the coal yard and being a similar age to Valerie, Gwen and Ephys daughter. A mention has been made, from Andrea Fremantle, coming over from Canada. She could well be the daughter of Raymond Fremantle, who emigrated to Canada on finishing his apprenticeship at Vickers in Weybridge, Raymond was a very good friend of mine, in and out of school. It is certainly a shock to read that George has passed away, at… Read more »