Surrey County Council have an HGV reporting site. Everywhere in Hambledon has a 7.5T restriction for HGVs. That 7.5t restriction zone extends from Milford Crossroads to the Cranleigh crossroads, and from Brighton Road in Busbridge to Loxwood on the Surrey/Sussex Border. Red prohibition signs mark the entry points into this zone. So any lorry using the rural roads as a rat run/short cut within that zone is committing a Road Traffic Offence. The only exclusion is if the HGV is delivering/unloading inside the zone.
You can report a suspect HGV here.

Here is an online map of the extent of the 7.5t restrictions.
How do you identify an HGV over 7.5tons?
Generally HGVs (now called OGVs) will have red and yellow rectangular markings on the rear.
Here are examples of OGV1 and OGV2 that are over 7.5t: