Hambledon Parish Council

  • serving & improving the quality of life in Hambledon
  • protecting its character and its environment
  • influencing other decision makers

The Parish Council is a body that has been granted powers by Parliament to raise money through taxation (the Parish Precept) and to spend public money on a wide range of local service.

Use the links in the top menu to view or download relevant PDF documents from the Parish Council Document Library:  grouped as  Council Minutes, Latest Council Agenda, Declarations of Interest, Parish Plan, Parish Assembly, Legislation and Finance.

Contact Details (below) for Parish Council members and clerk, Surrey County Council Ward member and Waverley Borough Council Ward members

Contact the Parish Clerk:


Stewart Payne (Chair)
07831 393561


Sean Sinnott
07767 481282

Robin McKeith
07886 463498
Alison Scott-Bishop (Deputy Chair)
07787 502996
Jude Milan
07785 391582
Simon Rhodes
07850 832054
Andy Hinde
07401 115952


Catherine Russell
07776 230 346
parishclerk@ (hambledonsurrey.co.uk)

Surrey County Councillor:

Councillor Kevin Deanus,
(Waverley Eastern Villages)
07967 987227

Waverley Borough Councillors
Bramley and Wonersh Ward (includes Hambledon)

Councillor Lauren Atkins,
07818 457829
(Ward responsibility for Hambledon)
Councillor Jane Austin
07827 338000
Councillor Michael Goodridge MBE
07502 315366

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