Community Foundation for Surrey Corona Virus Response Fund reaches milestone

The generosity of local donors, businesses and the National Emergencies Trust has accumulated £1 million figure into the CFS Response Fund. This includes £326,700 from the National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus Appeal, and more than £717,000 in donations from local donors and partners.

This concerted effort has ensured the Foundation has been able to quickly award emergency funding to 122 community groups reaching more than 350,000 beneficiaries across Surrey.

Locally our own Hambledon Community Fund has played its part in this success. The Merry Harriers, Hambledon’s village pub,  launched a fund which will offer up to £2,000 a month for those struggling to pay food and general provisions bills, most likely through loss of pay or employment, during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The local Village Spirit Collective, makers of Vann Lane Gin, ran a raffle in support of the Community Foundation for Surrey and raised over £1000.

More details of the Hambledon Community Fund here.

Annual Village Meeting and Parish Clean-Up and Barbecue – All Welcome

Hambledon’s Annual Village Meeting takes place on the evening of Thursday April 25th and all are welcome to come along.

This is an opportunity to hear a round-up of the past year’s activities from all of the village organisations, clubs and groups as well as a report from the Parish Council, which hosts the meeting.

Refreshments including wine, tea and coffee will be available from 7.30 and this is a chance to chat to village friends and neighbours before the meeting itself starts at 8pm at the Village Hall.

There will be a short presentation concerning the efforts made by the Parish Council to address concerns about speeding in the village and other local traffic issues.

Residents may like to consider whether they want to form a Community Speed Watch Group. A minimum of six volunteers would be required. Speed detection devices would be provided by Surrey Police together with appropriate training.

Full details of this scheme can be found here:

Further details will be provided at the meeting. Mary Grove, a parish councillor, can be contacted in advance for those who wish to register at

Although the parish council can make the necessary arrangements with Surrey Police and register the speedwatch group, it is for villagers to step forward and volunteer if they want this initiative to succeed.

Despite widespread concerns across the village about speeding, both Surrey Police and Surrey County Council Highways engineers have stated that there is no gathered evidence to support this belief. It is highly unlikely that any traffic calming measures can be introduced in Hambledon until there is data to support the proposal. Community Speed Watch is one way in which such evidence may be gathered.

The Village Meeting is followed two days later – on Saturday April 27th – with the parish clean-up ending with a community barbecue outside the Village Shop at noon. Volunteers are asked to collect litter in designated areas for which they can register at the Village Meeting. Bin bags and litter grabs will be provided and all rubbish will be removed by the local authority.


Love living in Hambledon and want to help the community?

The Hambledon Community Fund is looking for volunteers who love living in Hambledon and would like to help the community. If you have
  • suggestions for an event
  • can help with organisation
  • have thoughts on where the fund might allocate a grant
  • or how we can improve anything

Please contact Julie for a chat  on 07768033611 /

No long term commitment is necessary.

See the HCF Video & Presentation


Last week, the HCF were asked to be guest speakers at the annual Parish Council meeting and we had the pleasure of rounding the evening off with a presentation and video update about our progress and latest news.

Hats off and many thanks to the talented Llewelyn family who put the whole thing together. James Llewelyn took time out from his busy A-level study schedule, to film local stars and numerous Hambledon sites. He then produced a superb Hambledon montage for all to enjoy!  His equally talented sister, Tash Llewelyn, helped create a wonderfully informative presentation for proud Mum, Julie Llewelyn to deliver to the audience.

To see the presentation and watch the wonderful video footage, please follow the following link – it may take a few minutes to download because it contains some large graphics and video clips (the video footage comes at the end of the presentation slides), but it’s well worth the wait!

HCF reaches £100,000 target!

Generous Hambledonians help us reach our initial target of £100,000!

Hambledonians were certainly in good spirits over the festive season and responded generously to our fund-raising pleas by raising over £35,000 in one month!

A huge thank you to those who helped us raise such large amounts – donations of all sizes were made by many, and together you made it possible for us to reach this first target.  Hambledon now has a sizeable nest egg and permanent, sustainable supply of dividends for grant-making.  This should go a long way to help us continue to support its many groups and residents, both now and in the future.

How you did it!

You may remember that in our last magazine article, we announced the start of an exciting new government scheme called the Community First Programme. This programme allows any donation to local, permanent funds like the HCF, to be government matched with a further 50% of funding.  In addition, we had an offer from an extremely generous, anonymous donor, to match (like-for-like), the first £8,000 worth of any donations received whilst the Community First matching programme was in effect – for us, this is until the end of June 2013.  On top of all that, the usual Gift Aid would give us a further 25% of any pre-matched amount.

It was therefore an extremely good time to donate. Locals responded rapidly with donations of around £12,000 and this grew quickly (when matched, and matched again), in to the £30k+ we needed to reach our first target.

Thank you to everyone for all your support. For your donations, your purchase of second-hand books and HCF merchandise, and your attendance at HCF fund-raising events. It all helps. Together we will work to keep Hambledon and its community strong and in good shape!  

Walk the Village To Raise Money For Community Fund

Image The Hambledon Village Community Fund is organising a “Hamble Ramble” to raise funds for its work in supporting the needs of the community.  The walk around the village, taking in places of historical interest, will start at 2.30pm on Sunday June 12th, beginning and ending at Hydon End, Feathercombe Lane.


Tea and Pimms will be served at the end. There is a Garden Ramble for those who do not wish to take part in the village walk, suitable for the very young and the very senior. And a quiz will be held for those who would like to test their knowledge.

Entrance is £5 per person. If you enter as a team of five or more the fee will be capped at £25.

The Hambledon Village Community Fund (HCF) is a local initiative to benefit local projects. It is a charitable fund to which people can make donations or leave a legacy and has been set up with the support of the Community Foundation for Surrey.

Once a capital fund has been established, the HCF can award funding from the interest it has gained to local projects; approximately £6,000 a year in perpetuity.

More details on the fund can be found in an earlier news items on this website.

The Hambledon Ramble is an opportunity for villagers to show support for the work of the fund and enjoy a gentle walk in company at the same time.

Tickets are available at the Village Shop or directly from Julie Llewelyn at and can also be purchased on the day at Hydon End, which can be found about half way up Feathercombe Lane on the right-hand side.

Please arrive at 2pm so that the walk can start promptly at 2.30pm.