A major cut of trees close to power lines was completed this year by Scottish and Southern Energy in an effort to reduce the frequency of electricity supply disruption to Hambledon.
SSE has also upgraded and refurbished power lines into the village and promised better communications in the event of outages.
Nevertheless, it is wise to take precautions in a rural area that has suffered from extensive power failures in recent years, usually caused by trees and branches falling onto cables during high winds.
SSE has provided the Parish Council with a quantity of telephones that do not require a power supply to work, wind-up radios, battery-operated magnetic lamps, safety lightsticks, compact foil blankets and heat packs for warming cold hands.
If you, or someone you know, would benefit from any of these items they are available free for collection from the village shop.
It is important to remember that many modern phones require power to operate so a stand-by phone that simply requires a connection to the telephone line is an essential.
Stock up on batteries for torches and radios.
In extreme weather electricity and telephone lines may fail as may mobile phone networks. Snow or fallen trees can isolate the village. Although such an outcome is rare it has happened. The Parish Council has an emergency plan in place to help cope with such an event.
It is worth remembering that the phone kiosk at the village shop will continue to work in a power failure. The pay phone no longer accepts coins but you can dial 999 for free. You can also dial 100 for the operator to make reverse charge calls.
If you, or someone you know, may be considered vulnerable during a power cut, you can register with SSE’s Priority Services Register on 0800 294 3259. There is a leaflet in the shop explaining this service.
The following telephone numbers and addresses should be kept handy.
SSE – Scottish and Southern Energy (power cuts and emergencies): 0800 072 7282.
Surrey County Council (for on-line updates and advice): www.surreycc.gov.uk/winter.
Latest travel information: https://twitter.com/SurreyTravel
Waverley Borough Council: For general information, refuse collections etc, go to www.waverley.gov.uk adding the word weather to the search bar if your inquiry relates to this issue. Also, for latest news and emergency updates from the borough go to www.twitter.com/waverleybc
Radio updates will be broadcast on BBC Surrey on 104.6FM and on Eagle on 96.4FM
Hambledon village website will also carry updates: www.hambledonsurrey.co.uk
In the village, the Hambledon Emergency Team is:
Stewart Payne – 07831 393561, Tim Coleman – 07838 763767, and Nick Watson – 07770 553686
In the event of severe disruption and communication failure the emergency team will be on hand around the village, centred at the village shop.