Paul Vacher, Honorary Secretary to The Village Hall Management Committee, contributed the Sunday Reflection this week
The Village Hall has been there for nigh on 120 years. Now it sits silent, shut and brooding on Malthouse Lane, waiting for that time when things will be back to normal, when the doors can open and it returns to life again.
But, if the walls could talk, what would they say? Would they tell of the parties, the dances, the films and theatre productions; the flower show, the fashion show, the art show and craft show or those Committee and Council meetings that always seemed to over-run? Would they tell of the Pilates Classes, the Ladies of the Village stretched flat on the floor with their legs in the air and of the Wednesday mornings when Mothers and ‘tots’ gathered to natter and play with Lego etc. ? Would they remember the Harvest Suppers of yesteryear; the Royal visits, the Parish Assemblies when it was hard to believe that so much went on in the Village; the WI and WAGS (and the singing of Jerusalem), the Cubs and Brownies and so much more ?
Of course the walls would remember all of the above and they will hear it all again. The Hall is poised and ready to go just as soon as it is allowed. It has been spruced up and will welcome young and old and recommence hosting all those Village events that have been so sorely missed.