The Society promotes and encourages the study of the history of the Parish of Hambledon. It encourages the conservation and preservation of buildings, memorials, antiquities, memorabilia, records, manuscripts and pictorial material relating to the Parish of Hambledon.The Society owns photograph albums going back over 100 years which are kept up to date. These are displayed at village events, and are available to Hambledon residents to borrow. The Society organizes an annual lecture on a relevant topic each spring.
Committee: |
Chair: Stephen Dean, e-mail: deans84@aol.com Secretary: Nessie Alexander, e-mail: nessiehugo2002@yahoo.co.uk Treasurer: Helena Hockridge, e-mail: helena@kis-solutions.co.uk |
The Hambledon Heritage albums are now housed in the Sun Room at Cobblers, which means that they can be accessed by anyone interested in finding out more about the history of our village and the personalities who contributed to it. Please let Jane Woolley know if you would like to visit and browse – 01428 684213 or j.woolley881@btinternet.com. The postal address is Cobblers, Woodlands Road, Hambledon, Godalming, Surrey GU8 4HL.
Hambledon was one of the contributors to the Women’s Institute Scrapbook competition in 1952. It is made up of ‘scraps’ collected and given by Hambledon residents and was produced and maintained by Mary Parker, who lived in the village (and remained there all her life). It was kept at the village Post Office and was available for loan. By 1997 it was showing signs of wear and tear so a Hambledon Heritage Exhibition was organised to raise money for a Mary Parker Memorial Fund which enabled the Scrapbook to be conserved and re-bound.
The interest which the 1998 Exhibition evoked and the material that was contributed to it awakened a realisation that there was an on-going need for village memorabilia to be retained and recorded. This led to the establishment of the Hambledon Heritage Society, one of whose roles is to compile and maintain a meticulous collection of photographic and printed memorabilia which are contained in the Hambledon Heritage albums.
Visit http://hambledonsurrey.co.uk/scrapbook/ if you would like to look at the digitised version of the Scrapbook.
Upcoming AGM:
osborneadThe Hambledon Heritage Society is also proud to announce the publication of the first part of their Oral History Project: video and audio recordings of villagers’ stories recounting life in the Hambledon during the 1940’s.