31 MAY 2012
|Hambledon Surrey Graveyard Project
In the summer of 2010 three old villagers thought it might be a good idea to research the churchyard at St Peter’s, to re-organise the written records and survey the gravestones before some of the older inscriptions became illegible or disappeared altogether. The aim was to see if family names could be researched (with the help of the internet), and perhaps linked to extant relatives who may not be aware of their antecedents’ burial places.
Two young volunteers, Alex Sehmer and Vicky Grove, took on the work, and this is a brief summary of their findings:
The graveyard is split into two areas: pre and post 1906. There is a map in the vestry of the Church, but the area pre-1906 is not detailed on it and the only record (as far as we were aware) is found in documents prepared by Gay Mabley twenty-five years ago. King Edward’s School also carried out a survey in 1980 and their findings have been incorporated.
The post-1906 area map is updated as and when each plot is filled. This map correlates with the Church’s burial register.
Summary of Work Undertaken
Inscriptions and dates recorded for graves post 1980 (since KES’s project).
Compiled database of all those buried in the graveyard with (the majority of) inscriptions and salient details. The database (an excel spreadsheet) therefore incorporates both previous projects and is now an up-to-date information source.
Brief research into the bigger families and ‘interesting’ inscriptions included:
Kettle Family: 18 members in the 1800s, some moved to Brecon, Wales.
Winkworth Family: 12 members 1700/1800s, links to the March family of Great Enton.
Elliot Family: 12 members 1700s, many of whom were rectors/vicars: one was Chaplain to HRH Frederick, Prince of Wales.
Dennyer Family: 6 members, one of whom is linked to the building of navigation links between Guildford and Godalming.
Lt Col Francis Walter Finnigan MC and wife Jean Sime Finnigan MBE: Col Francis won the MC during WWII while serving in 179 Field Regiment Royal Artillery.
The project has successfully tidied up the burial records, and the database is available for anyone engaged in research. It was interesting to note how time-consuming it became when trying to research the genealogy of just one family, let alone 50! However, the records are now ‘alive’ and let’s hope we can keep them up to date!
The detailed survey is available as a Google Doc:Hambledon Surrey Graveyard Survey Document
This is listed here, without pagination to allow for search engines to see the data.
If you wish to search this text use Command+F (mac) or CTRL+F (windows)
Hambledon Graves Listings. Hambledon Church, Surrey, England.
Gay’s records Plot number First name Family name Date of birth Date of death Address Inscription Notes
1 a Mary Hill (& Mercy Ford) 1822 Mary, wife of Thomas Hill who died April 9th 1822 aged 57 years, Mercy, wife of James Ford who died November 11th 1820 aged 85 years double headstone
2 b Maria Woods 1857 Maria, wife of William Woods who departed this life August 22nd 1857 in the 58th year of her age
3 c Ann Woods 1827 Ann, daughter of William and Maria Woods who died November 1827 aged 1 year 6 weeks
4 d William Woods 1836 William Woods who departed this life July 8th 1836 in the 38th year of his age
5 e Mary Mills 1882 Mary, beloved wife of James Mills who dies January 30th 1882 aged 54 years. Also Mary Ann, the eldest beloved daughter of James and Mary Mills who died December 17th 1881 aged 29 years single headstone but with two footstones
6 f Elizabeth Lambert 1776 Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Lambert who departed this life June the 16th 1776 aged 67 years
7 g Abraham Lambert 1786 Mr Abraham Lambert who died September 11th 1786 aged 76 years
8 h ? Lambert 1796 Lambert daughter of John and Jane Lambert who died the 14th day of Febraury 1796 aged 5 years and 6 months. Also of Abraham and Mary who died in their infancy
9 i James Miles 1837 James Miles who died October 7th 1837 aged 61 years. Also Martha wife of James Miles who died August 10th 1842 aged 60 years double headstone
10 j Hannah Miles 1864 Hannahh, wife of James Miles who died April 11th 1864 aged 63 years Also four sons of the above
11 k James Miles 1887 James Miles died October 23rd 1887 aged 83 years
12 l Sarah & Thomas Hammond 1861 Sarah, wife of Thomas Hammond who died February 14th 1891 aged 54 years. Also Thomas Hammonf who died December 20th 1881 aged 76 years. Also Hannah, daughter of the above who died July 18th 1870 aged 33 years
13 m George Fielder 1867 George Fielder who died January 9th 1867 aged 73 years. Also Charlotte who died June 18th 1908 aged 87 years. Also Ursula who died October 15th 1908 aged 89 years and Ellen who died March 20th 1909 aged 85 years, daughters of the above George Fielder
14 n Richard Lambert 1839 Richard Lambert son of John and Jane Lambert formerly of Chilworth in this County who departed this life September 5th 1839 aged 55 years
15 o Jane Lambert 1823 Jane, wife of John Lambert who died January 12th 1823 aged 60 years. Also Abraham Lambert who died July 29th 1852 aged 57 years
16 p John Lambert 1801 John Lambert who died April 11th 1801. Also Mary(?) Lambert
17 q John Matthews 1772 John Matthews who died March 7th 1772 aged 65 years
18 r illegible grave stone
19 s William Lindsay Watson 1836 William Lindsay Watson born North Shields 15th January 1836, died at Tigbourne Cottage near Hambledon 7th April 1866 large pointed headstone with kerbing
20 t Elizabeth Winkworth 1857 Elizabeth, wife of Arthur Winkworth of Sattenham who departed this life January 26th 1857 aged 64 years. Also their children who died in their infancy – Arthur, January 21st 1818 aged 8 days and Frederick, April 26th 1819 aged 13 days. Also Arthur Winkworth Esq. late of Sattenham who died at Cranleigh December 22nd 1867 aged 76 years
21 u Mary Winkworth 1813 Mary, daughter of John and Betty Winkworth who died 16th of April 1764 aged 16 years
22 v John Winkworth 1764 John, son of John and Betty Winkworth who died 16th of April 1764, aged 16 years
23 w Betty Winkworth 1795 Betty, wife of John Winkworth who died 20th November 1795 aged 76 years
24 x John Winkworth 1787 John Winkworth who departed this life September the 5th 1787 aged 66 years
25 y Mary & Frederick Winkworth 1793 Mary, wife of Frederick Winkworth daughter of John and Mary March of Great Enton who died 16th June 1793 in the 40th year of her age. Also Frederick Winkworth of Great Enton who died 25th June 1838 in the 89th year of his age stone tomb
26 z John Bennett 1853 John Bennett who died February 16th 1853 in the 87th year of his age. Also Mary, wife of John Bennett who died February 11th 1861 in the 70th yead of her age
27 aa Mary Winkworth 1824 Mary Winkworth daughter of Arthur and Ann Winkworth who died August 13th 1824 in the 30th year of her age. Also Ann Winkworth daughter of Arthur and Ann Winkworth who died February 24th 1843 aged 51 years
28 ab Arthur Winkworth 1824 Arthur Winkworth who died September 18th 1824 aged 73 years. Also Ann wife of Arthur Winkworth who died July 27th 1840 aged 73
29 ac John Winkworth 1843 John Winkworth who died May 3rd 1843 aged 49 years. Also Ann Winkworth widow of the above taken to her rest June 22nd 1891 aged 86 years
30 ad Allen Lambert 1860 Allen Lambert son of John and Jane Lambert formerly of Chilworth in this county who departed this life August 17th 1860 aged 75 years
31 ae Joseph & Mary Upfold 1876 Joseph Upfold who died January 17th 1876 aged 79 years. Also Mary, wife of Joseph Upfold who died March 3rd 1880 aged 79 years double headstone
32 af William Wilkinson 1853 William Wilkinson MA late Rector of this Parish who died December 21st AD 1853 aged 56 and Frances Ann Wilkinson his wife who died ? 1885 aged 87 years
33 ag Matthew Bone 1828 Matthew, son of Absalom and Ann Bone died December 22nd 1828 aged 7 years and 10 months. Also four other of their children who died in their infancy
34 ah Absalom Bone 1853 Absalom Bone who died August 24th 1853 aged 71 years. Also Ann wife of the above who died October 23rd 1866 aged 83 years
35 ai Ann Lickfold 1887 Ann, wife of Lawrence Lickfold who died May 6th 1887 aged 56 years Also Lawrence Henry Lickfold grandson of the above who died June 23rd 1888 aged 2 years 4 months
36 aj Lawrence Lickfold 1891 Lawrence Lickfold who died September 25th 1891 aged 65 years
37 ak Peter Balchin 1845 Mr Peter Balchin who died February 16th 1845 aged 77 years
38 al-1 Agnes Newman 1793 Agnes, daughter of Henry and Mary Newman who died December 1793 aged 9 years. Also David, the son of Henry and Mary Newman who died January 17th 1794 aged 8 years. Also near this place lieth Mary with of Henry Smithers of Churt
al-2 John Newman 1791 unmarked taken from Burial Register – John son of Henry and Mary Newman, 30 June 1791
al-3 Henry Newman 1791 unmarked taken from Burial Register – Henry son of Henry and Mary Newman, 17 July 1791
al-4 Richard Newman 1791 unmarked taken from Burial Register – Richard son of Henry Newman and Mary his late wife, 10 November 1791
al-5 unmarked unmarked unmarked
al-6 Mary Newman 1791 gravestone possibly marked MN 1791
39 am Henry & Elizabeth Newman 1837 Henry Newman who died April 14th 1837 aged 86 years. Also Elizabeth Newman, daughter of the above who died September 16th 1869 aged 88 years
40 an Henry Denyer 1778 Henry Denyer late of Godalming who died April 12th 1778 aged 40 years
41 ao Ann Denyer 1777 Ann Denyer who died May 23rd 1777 aged 71 years
42 ap Sarah(?) Denyer Sarah(?) Denyer who died February 7th 17??
43 aq Barbara & Charles Childs 1884 Barabara Childs wife of Charles Childs dies March 24th 1884 aged 40. Also Charles Childs died February 28th 1904 aged 62. Also Annie Maria died June 29th 1886 aged 21. Also Percival Ernest died October 21st 1881 aged 9. Also Julia Alexandra died September 4th 1870 aged 4. Also Charles Sidney died June 29th 1869 aged 6 weeks. Also Flora Kate died May 11th 1876 aged 1(1/2) years cross on three-tiered stone slabs
44 ar Thomas Richmond Phillips 1866 Thomas Richmond Phillips Lt Col RA Born 24th December 1866. Died 5th June 1963. And his wife Anna Maria Hilda Josephine November 1868. Died 13th June 1971
45 as Richard Phillips 1907 Richard Phillips for 31 years Rector of this Parish died 30 September 1907 aged 75 years. Also Anne Phillips daughter of the above died 26 June 1907 aged 45 years. Also Richard Sylvester Phillips Maj 37th Dogras Indian Army second son of the above who died at Jhelum India, 4 July 1914 and was burried there aged 45 years. Also Ellen Sarah Phillips widow of the above Rector who died at Witley 20 March 1915 and is buried here aged 83 years.
46 at Mary Ann Lickfold 1897 Mary Ann Lickfold wife of John Lickford who died 11 October 1897 aged 79 years
47 au John Lickfold 1862 John Lickfold of this Parish who died March 2nd 1862 aged 56 years
48 av Louisa Caroline Lickfold 1847 Louisa Caroline daughter of John and Mary Ann Lickfold who died December 3rd 1847 aged 7 years and 11 months
49 aw Thomas Lickfold 1833 Thomas Lickfold of this Parish who departed this life August 2nd 1833 aged 73 years
50 ax Elizabeth Gregery 1811 Elizabeth wife of Robert Gregery who died 23 March 1811 aged 23 years
51 ay Thomas Lickfold 1796 Thomas Lickfold son of Thomas and Dorothy Lickfold who departed this life ? ? 1796 aged ? Years 9 months
52 az William Ford 1755 William Ford of Vann who departed this life April 30th 1755 aged 80 years
53 ba Elizabeth Ford 1758 Elizabeth Ford who departed this life 30th December 1758 aged 32 years
54 bb Catherine Ford 1759 Catherine the wife of John Ford of Vann who departed this life 25th November 1759 aged 32 years. Near this place lyeth two of their (sic) children who died in there (sic) infancy
55 bc John Over 1864 John Over who died June 20th 1864 aged 62 years. Also four sons and three daughters of the above
56 bd John Ford 1809 John Ford of Vann died the 18th day of September 1809 aged 80 years
57 be Ann Denyer 1775 Ann Denyer wife of Tho. Denyer who departed this life May 27th 1775 aged 70 years
58 bf Thomas Denyer 1768 Thomas Denyer Maltster, Projector of the Navigation from Guildford to Godalming who died 22nd August 1768 aged 70 years headstone shows skeleton aiming a bow and arrow at a man
59 bg Ann Jelley (Sarah & William Coombes) 1869 Ann wife of George Jelley who died 19th July 1869 aged 25. Also Sarah wife of William Coombes who died 2 April 1885 aged 64. Also William husband of the above who died 24 January 1888 aged 76
60 bh Stephen & Harriett Duke 1893 Stephen Duke MD died 29th September 1893. Also Harriett Elizabeth Duke died 22 February 1908 aged 56 years
61 bi George Mellersh 1844 George son of Thomas and Mary Mellersh died 1 June 1844 aged 29 years. Also Henry died 10 October 1845 aged 31 years. Mary wife of Thomas Mellersh died 27 January 1864 aged 76 years. Thomas Mellersh died 1st February 1870 aged 87 years
62 bj Henry Keen 1762 Henry Keen who died the 28th September 1762 aged 27 years
63 bk Richard & Betty Keen 1790 Richard Keen who died 5 April 1790 aged 80. Also Betty the wife of Richard Keen who died 10 March 1803 aged 88 years
64 bl George Marner 1836 George Marner who died 24 November 1836 aged 51 years
65 bm Mary Ann Rothwell 1855 Mary Ann wife of George Rothwell and relict of George Marner who died 4 July 1855 aged 71 years
66 bn Arthur Marner 1843 Arthur son of George and Mary Ann Marner who died 14 July 1843 aged 13 years and 10 months
67 bo Harriet Sophia Mellersh 1861 Harriet Sophia wife of Thomas Mellersh Junior who died 4 February 1861 at St John’s Wood, London aged 71
68 bp Eliza Anne Mellersh 1853 Eliza Anne second daughter of Thomas and Harriet Mellersh born 20 February died 26 March 1853
69 bq Charles John Mellersh 1867 Charles John Mellersh late of Petersfield Hants second son of Thomas and Mary Mellersh who died at Bath 4 May 1867 aged 56
70 br Lily Ellen Duke 1879 Lily Ellen Mellersh only child of Stephen and Harriet Elizabeth Duke died 26 August 1879 aged 8 days
71 bs Mary Welland 1869 Mary wife of John Welland of Witley and daughter of George and Ann Marner who departed this life 29 May 1869 aged 88 years
72 bt Ann Marner 1813 Ann daughter of Mary Marner who departed this life 22 April 1813 aged 3 years and 5 months
73 bu Ann Marner 1795 Ann the wife of George Marner who died 23 November 1795 aged 50 years
74 bv Martha Marner 1815 Martha daughter of George and Ann Marner who departed this life 18 May 1815 aged 33 years
75 bw George Marner 1828 George Marner died 25 July 1828 aged 74
76 bx Ann Marner 1836 Ann wife of George Marner who departed this life 9 February 1836 aged 37 years
77 by James Greest 1781 James Greest died 3 May 1781 aged 43 years. Also near this place lieth Richard Greest his father who died February 2nd 1747 and Elizabeth his mother died 7 February in the same year. They died and left eleven children
78 bz John & Hannah Goodchild 1888 John Goodchild 12 April 1888 aged 82 years. Also of Hannah Goodchild who died 2 December 1893 aged 86 years
79 ca Elizabeth Wade Morton
80 cb Flora Catherine Stewart 1874 Flora Catherine Stewart born 29 May 1842 Died 28 June 1874
81 cc Evan Edward Roswell 1875 ? Evan Edward Roswell MA Rector of the Parish died 2 December MDCCCLXXV aged 71, Edith Roswell 15 July 1875 – March 22 1953 Granddaughter of the above, Dorothy Roswell July 1886 – February 1961 Granddaughter of the above
82 cd Thomas Mitchell Kettle 1836 Thomas Mitchell Kettle who died January 12th 1836 aged 55 years
83 ce Sarah Elliot 1762 Sarah Elliot Relict of Edward Elliot MA She died November 30th 1762 in the 75th year of her age
84 cf Edward (no grave) Elliot 1740 Near this place are deposited the remains of Edward Elliot MA Rector of Dunsfold in this County who died March 26th 1740 in the 65th year of his age
85 cg William (no grave) Eliot 1755 William Eliot MA Rector of the Parish also of Dunfold and Chaplain to his RH Frederick Prince of Wales. He died October 7th 1755 in the 46th year of his age and is interred near his father
86 ch George Kettle 1853 George Kettle who died July 16th 1853 aged 41 years. Also Dorothy wife of the above who died April 17th 1849 aged 31 years
87 ci Thomas Haselden 1810 Mr Thomas Haselden late of this Parish who departed this life the 2nd August 1810 in the 79th year of his age
88 cj Elizabeth King 1788 Elizabeth King who died September 25th 1788 aged 22 years
89 ck Mary Kettle 1818 Mary wife of James Kettle who died April 9th 1818 aged 39 years. Also Robert son of James and Mary Kettle footstone denotes Robert Kettle died 1810
90 cl Robert (or Albert?) Kettle 1811 Robert (Albert) son of James and Mary Kettle who died February 10th 1811
91 cm Mary Kettle 1808 Mary daughter of James and Mary Kettle who died March 10th 1808 aged 3 years and 7 months
92 cn Elizabeth Kettle 1806 Elizabeth daughter of James and Mary Kettle who departed this life in April 12th 1806 aged 5 years and 7 months
93 co Catherine Eliot 1781 Underneath are deposited the remains of Catherine wife of Laurence Eliot MA Vicar of Steeple Ashton, Wilts. She died November 6th 1781 in the fifty-third year of her age
94 cp Laurence Eliot 1787 Laurence Eliot Clerk MA Vicar of Steeple Ashton, Wilts. Died September 22nd 1787 aged 61
95 cq Clement Longhurst 1764 Clement the wife of Thomas Longhurst who died October ye 1st 1764 aged 44 years. Also John the son of Thomas and Clement Longhurst who died May ye 31st aged 25 years
96 cr Aaron Kettle 1754 Aaron son of Wm. And Eliz. Kettle who died October 6th 1840 aged 17 years
97 cs Elizabeth Kettle 1828 Elizabeth wife of William Kettle who died February 3rd 1828 aged 43 years
98 ct William Kettle 1860 William Kettle who died December 19th 1860 aged 81 years
99 cu Israel Kettle 1825 Israel son of Wm. And Eliz. Kettle who died May 11th 1825 aged 7 years and 1 month
100 cv John Kettle 1819 John Kettle who died April 1st 1819 aged 7 years and 1 month
101 cw Dorothy Kettle 1804 Dorothy wife of John Kettle who died March 13th 1804 aged 64 years
102 cx Dorothy Kettle 1781 Dorothy Kettle died June 10th 1781 aged 3 months
103 cy Elizabeth Mitchell 1774 Elizabeth wife of John Mitchell who died ? ? 1774 aged 78 years
104 cz John Mitchell 1788 John Mitchell Snr. Who died August 20th 1788 in the 86th year of his age
105 da Sarah Mitchell 1812 Sarah Mitchell who died November 22nd aged 75 years
106 db Edward (+ many family members) Eliot 1790 Edward Eliot clerk MA decd. August 1790 aged 59. Mary Eliot his wife decd. January 22nd 1816 aged 70. Edward Eliot decd. June 10th 1794 aged 19. Thomas Eliot decd. September 22nd 1800 aged 20. Catherine Eliot decd. January 29th 1852 aged 73, children of Edward Eliot and of Mary his wife large tomb in brick and stone
107 dc Ann Noldart 1870 Ann wife of William Noldart who died January 14th 1870 aged 64 years. Also William Noldart died January 6th 1892 aged 85 years
108 dd John Kurn 1903 John Kurn died May 2nd 1903 aged 63
109 de William Kettle 1857 William son of George and Ann Kettle who died November 3rd 1857 aged 8 years
110 df George Kettle 1889 George Kettle third son of William and Elizabeth Kettle who died January 4th 1889 aged 73 years
111 dg Ann Kettle 1895 Ann wife of George Kettle who died April 7th 1895 aged 79 years
112 dh Elizabeth Gunner 1811 Elizabeth wife of Francis Gunner who died September 29th 1811 aged 80 years
113 di Francis Gunner 1801 Francis Gunner who died December 31st 1801 aged 74 years
114 dj William Kettle 1889 William Kettle eldest son of William and Elizabeth Kettle who died November 27th 1889 aged 84 years
115 dk John Gunner 1799 John Gunner who died March 10th 1799 aged 28 years
116 dl John Mitchell 1813 John Mitchell ? ? 1813 aged 83 years
117 dm Sarah & Richard Callingham 1805 Sarah Callingham wife of Richard Callingham who died April 26th 1805 aged 73 years. Richard Callingham who died ? ? 1810. Also of Jane daughter of Richard and Sarah Callingham who died September 4th 1771 aged 7 years. double headstone
118 dn Rosamund & John Borrowman 1895 Rosamund Vertue the beloved wife of John Borrowman. She died 25th August 1895. Also the above named John Borrowman son of Robert Borrowman born in Edinburgh 3rd April 1830 died at Hambledon 4th July 1906. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above died 22nd October 1932 aged 72 years
119 do Emma Woolven 1898 Emma the beloved wife of George Woolven died October 3rd 1898. Also William their son died February 25th 1899. Also George Woolven died at Penzance June 5th 1907 aged 79 Cross on three-tiered stone slabs and square kerbing
120 dp Robert Markby 1842 1908 Robert Bremner Markby Born 23 January 1842 Died 13 January 1908
121 dq Andrew (& Alison) Muir 1817 1899 Andrew Muir born at Greenock 6th January 1817 died at Hambledon 12th June 1899. Alison Blair Muir wife of Andrew Muir Born 24th October 1822 Died 15th December 1910 (tomb)
122 dr Arthur Gladstone 1850 1914 Arthur Sydney Gladstone Born 18th June 1850 Died 24th May 1914. Helen Lumley Gladstone aged 24 June 1st 1901. Mary Elizabeth Gladstone cross fallen from original position (Gay’s notes)
123 ds John Bennett 1825 1906 John Bennett Born October 7th 1825 Died November 1906
I found the below in the KES project
missing Arthur Ackhurst 1888 1902
missing Charlotte Myatt 1900
missing Thomas Frogley 1894
missing Jane Frogley 1909
From map in vestry:
1 George & Edith Edwards
2 George Hamilton
3 Elias Elliott
4 Sarah Hutchins
5 Patty Hope
6 Arthur Hutchins
7 Thomas Jackson
8 Sarah Gill
9 George Hawkins
10 Charles Mills
11 Ursula Fielder
12 Ellen Fielder
13 Harriet Pullen
14 George Lillywhite
15 Job & Mrs Goodchild
16 James & Harriet Young
17 Emily Gill
18 James Hersey
19 Elizabeth & James Ayling
20 Emma Spooner
21 Hazel Young
22 Joseph Buss
23 Harvey Miles
24 Elizabeth Miles
25 Harvey Edwards
26 Ernest Gill (& Richard Clifton & Thomas Clifton)
27 David & Mary Bookham
28 Marshall & Lottie Yeomans
29 George Young
30 Thomas Henderson
31 James Underwood
32 Lillain Stillwell sib S/Smithers
33 Elizabeth Trigg
34 Hannah Lane
35 Arthur Stevens
36 Mary Gerring
37 Florence Andrews
38 Frank Arnold
39 Doris Coombe & Elsie Turner
40 George Fane
41 Harriett Johnson
42 Ellen Sunders
43 Francis Reeve
44 William Hutchins
45 Ellen Fowler
46 Elsie Beere
47 Ellen Frost
48 Victoria Carter
49 Alfred Carter
50 Grace & Amy Ellis
51 Albert & Emily Ellis
52 Charles Young
53 William Squires
54 Mary Bettesworth
55 Alexander & Sophie Deneke
56 Arthur Miles
57 Jessie Hutchins
58 Henry Holt
59 Agnes Gray
60 Wilfred Hardy
61 Stephen Clifton
62 William & Caroline Jennings
63 Louisa Ketchell
64 Rosa Newman
65 Henry Lickfold
66 Richard Jennings
67 Dorothy Hedges
68 Willaim & Matilda Lawrence
69 Lillain Mitchell
70 Mark & Matilda Knight
71 Shime & Sidney Ayling
72 Mary Denyner
73 Edith McKee
75 Frederick Bicknell
76 Joyce Beecher & Hazel Luxford
77 George & Emily Street
78 Albert Brockhurst
79 Lousia Elliott
80 Mercy Ragoett
81 Alice Pentney (& ashes, Joan Keddle)
82 Jane Kettle
83 Arthur & Emily Gill
84 Thomas & Lucy Young
86 Dr & Emily Dawson-Turner
87 Gladys Kingshott
88 John Ketchell
89 Evelyn Hellicar
90 Edith Elliott
91 William Rollestone
92 Harriett Fame (?) 1929 Hambledon Almshouses
93 Mary Keen
94 George Goodchild
95 Edwin Knight
96 Thomas & Elizabeth Mann
97 Julia & Kate Jennings
98 Henry Cooper
99 Ephraim & Lilly Freemantle
100 Rev A & Laura Willway
101 James & Violet W/Martin
102 Col. F & Marie Hammond
103 Robert, Rupert & Muriel Readhead (& W John & Romsemary Peel & Margaret Elizabeth Susan Greig)
105 Oliver Robson
106 George Ferguson
107 Alfred Carter
108 Michel Becker
109 Reginald Allum
110 Arthur & Emily Cumber
111 Henry & Alice Holt
112 Alexander Gray
113 Eliza & William Balchin
114 Walter & Evelyn Winson
115 James & Emily Edwards
116 Edward & Kathleen Farmer (ashes, Francis & Edward)
117 David Lyle (ashes, Muriel Wreford Lyle)
118 Rev EJ & Marjorie Seymour
120 William & Esther Rugman
121 Arthur Hammond
122 Albert & Mary Herrington
123 Harriet & Frederick Young
124 Ernest & Kate Ransdale
125 Geoffery & Audrey G/Holmes (ashes)
126 Eleanor Richmond
127 William Neary
128 Rose Goddard
129 George Raggett
130 Emily Rubman
131 Ethel Bonner
132 Harry Grinling (ashes, Dorothy Grinling)
133 Mary & Frank Bendle
134 William, Jane & Alice Herrington
135 Emily Mills
136 Sarah & Stephen Peacock
137 Mary Hunter
138 Mary Salmon
139 Ernest Kille
140 Sarah & Clara Costen
141 Albert & Rhoda Simkins
142 Athelstane & Martha Walker (ashes, Ernest W Walker)
143 Elizabeth & Albert Jeffery
144 Jane & Henry Dennymer
145 Herbert Mansfield
146 Emily Edith & Thomas Vickery (ashes, Reginald S Pirksuy ?)
147 Henry Ayling
148 Percy Lee
149 Albert & Sarah Froggly
150 Sarah Barrett
151 Alan & Elizabeth Bowman
152 James Adlard (& Arthur Phillips)
153 Annie & William Freemantle
154 Arthur & Minnie Winson
155 Charles & Elizabeth Clark
156 Mary Davis
157 Cyril & Majorie Foyle
158 Edith Cockburn
159 Alexis & Kate Hornett
160 Thomas Henery
161 Ellen Wesley
162 Walter Kimpson
163 Jessie Rodgers
164 George Bonner
165 Lilly Payne
166 Herbert Barings
167 Jessie Puttock
168 Charles Bonner
169 Kathleen & J Oliver Hedley (ashes, John Hedley)
170 Jean Lindsay & James Martin
171 Ruth Parker
172 Frederick & Allen (son) Parker
173 VACANT (?)
174 Francis Hinks
175 Minnie & Thomas Hammond
176 Emily & Alfred Mansfield (ashes, John Mansfield & Florence Emily Thomas ?)
177 George Mansfield
178 William & Ellen Hutchins
179 Elizabeth Hutchins
180 Thomas & Florence Parker
181 Lillian Baker
182 Sidney & Ellen Frogley 1952 1 Castle Cottages, Horsham
183 Willaim & Eliza Edwards
184 Emily & Charles Peters
185 Ena, Leslie, Gillian & John Phillips
186 William Freemantle
187 Albert Nambourne
188 John Weldon
189 James & Margaret Goodchild
190 John Froggley
191 Edward & Edith Beere
192 Jane & Edith Symes
193 William & Rose Hoptroff
194 Margaret & William House
195 William & Alice Dollin
196 Hugh & Florence Gabb
197 Alfred & Rosina Hammond
198 Hannah Lickfold
199 Leonard Jennings
200 Walter & Jane Hardy
201 Euphemia Henery
202 Ms Henery (marked VANCANT)
203 Margaret & William Winson (ashes, Hector, Alice & David Dudman)
204 Belinda Parker (Nicholas & Laura Gibbes)
205 Eric & Ruth Margaret Parker
206 Leslie & Elizabeth Anne Wieler
207 Kate & Herbert Carter
208 William & Elsie Maud Chesson
209 Ronald Kitley
210 Edith & Louisa Ellis
211 Frederick & Ellen Monk
212 William & Elizabeth Gale
213 David & Margaret Annie Gill
214 Colin & Joan Dowson
215 Mary Freemantle
216 Alice & Charles Dedman
217 Thomas Hill
219 Anthony Prosser
220 Frank & Nora Milligan
221 Philip & Amy Smith (& Lilly Margaret McDonald)
222 Ernest Willet
223 Emily & George Luxford
224 John Borrowman
225 Alice & William Goad
226 Sarah & James McNally
227 Harvey & Emma Edwards
228 Arthur & Eva Ashdown
229 Clifton Crawford
230 William & Harriet Johnson
231 Vera & Beatrice Allfrey
232 Mary & William Denyner
233 Charlie & Elizabeth Elliott
234 Frederick Jenny
235 Barry Jackson
236 Mary & Thomas Pickett
237 Louise Buchanan
238 Colin Parker (and Rosemary Parker)
239 Mary Ruth Parker
240 Ernest & Olive Spindler
241 Kate Mitchell
242 Peter Thorne
243 William & Esther Elliott
244 Charles & E. Faith Denny
245 Morris Thurgood
246 Emma Cray 1957 1 Wormley Lane, Hambledon
247 James & Kate Laker
248 Winifred Puxley
249 William Hutchinson (ashes)
250 Amy & Frederick Pritchard
252 Agnes Pennington
253 Hannah Jelley
254 Mary Droop
255 Frank Ellis
256 John Cooper
257 Evelyn & William Walford
258 Ellen Mortimer
259 Alfred Blyth
260 Laura Knowles
261 Frederick Lefley
262 Daisy Onslow
263 Elizabeth Doyle 1 Wormley Lane, Hambledon
264 Eva Lindley
265 Louisa Burton
266 Bridget Barry
267 Margaret Clarke
268 Mary Dane
269 Kenneth Macrae
270 Esther & Lucy Stenning
272 Walter & Lilian Denyner
273 Harry & Rosetta Howard
274 Johan Lee
275 Iris & James Thacker
276 Alice & Ernest Jeffery
277 Joseph & Elsie May Williams (ashes Elsie)
278 Arthur & Edith M Thorpe
279 Victor & Dorothy A Jeffery
280 Ellen & George W J Matcham
282 Albert Pullen (& Constance White)
283 Harvey Edwards
284 John Wilson
285 Ruth Gettings
286 Ellen Wiltshire
287 Maud Smith
288 Martha Argyle
289 Annie Salmon
290 Hilda Booker
291 Clara Strudwick
292 Sarah Wells
293 Ellen Browne
294 Elizabeth Gordon
295 Ernest John Colliss 1965 1 Wormley Lane, Hambledon
296 Frederick Fry
297 Elander Paddock
298 William Killick
299 Edith Pullen
300 Lilly Kellett
301 Agnes Thompson
302 Joseph & Gwendoline Marriage (Gwendoline ashes)
304 Bessy & Ruth Bonner
305 Elsie & Thomas William Hammond
306 Gladys Allen
307 Robert Simms
308 Alice & Herbert Edwards
309 EE Avery
310 Olive Mavis Azis
311 Guy Mansor Azis
312 Asa C & Anna Marie Jarmin (ashes Anna Marie)
313 Ronald & Lorna M Sparks
314 Robert & Florrie Hammond
315 Richard Withington (& Mary Richmond Withington)
316 Douglas Petter
317 Mathilda Heath
318 Mary Saxby
319 Christopher Hammond
320 Elvina Ward
321 Hilda & Dorothy cooper
322 Maud & Diana Maud Jordon
323 George Madgwick
324 John McClintock
325 Alfred Cole
326 Ingrid Wenham
327 John Wenham
329 John S & Dora W Milligan (ashes)
330 Isabella D Panton
331 Florence M & Alan S Wingate
332 Margaret N McConnell
333 Albert Henry Jeffery
334 Sylvia Ann Dudman
335 Elsie Emily Patricia & Alfred Edward Jeffery
336 ACC Willway
337 Ernest Frogley
338 Hilda Constance Helen Pearson
339 ADB Pearson
340 Anthony Nation (& BSW Mitchell)
341 Harriett Lawson Brown
342 Arnold CGA Vermundsen
343 Annie Thompson
344 Alice Lambden
345 Ernest Austin
346 Christine Howard
347 Heidi Parfitt
348 Cyril Bawn de Vere Green 1983 Haydon Wood Cottage, Feathercombe Lane, Hambledon
349 Bertha Jane de Vere Green 1980 Haydon Wood Cottage, Feathercombe Lane, Hambledon
350 RW & Margaret Jean Sharpington
351 NRA Walford 21 Apr 1982 Norcliffe Rodney Arrow Buzz Walford died April 21 1982 aged 55 years.
352 Ivy Lewis
353 Kenneth Arthur & Jean M Harding (ashes, Jean) 12.1.1932 13.5.1983 Kenneth Arthur Harding devoted husband and father who lived and worked in this village for 30 years at the Nutbourne brickworks born 12.1.1932 died 13.5.1983 also Jean Marie Harding beloved wife and mother who was warm, wonderful and wise and cared for everyone. Love never gives up, its faith, hope and patience never fail. born 12.4.30 died 6.2.93 Love is eternal Cor.13.7
354 Ronald & baby Amelia & Eleanor M Greybanks 19.1.1917 4.11.1986 Ronald Graybanks (RNR) born 19 Jan 1917 died 4 November 1986 and his wife Eleanor Marjorie born 15 June 1922 died 27 August 1994 with Amelia 21 November 1991
355 Fred & Jessie Amy Winifred Edwards 22.1.1908 2.9.1988 Frederick Edwards born January 22 1908 died September 2nd 1988 Also his wife Jesse Amy Winifred died November 1994 Aged 78 years
356 Edric Hardy 28.11.1920 15.5.1988 I will lift mine eyes to the hills Pl.121 Edric Hardy
357 Olive M Murphy 19 Mar 2010 Mar-88 Olive Mary Agard Murphy March 1919 – March 1988
358 David E Sopp worn/overgrown gravestone
359 Mary E & G Forehead 1911 1988 Mary elizabeth Forehead 1911-1988 and her devoted husband Walter George Forehead 1907 – 1985
360 Susan Penelope & Darren J Reynolds May-47 Apr-85 Aged 37. Maureen Joyce Reynolds (nee Blood) December 1921 – October 2009 Aged 87
361 Richard C & Ruth Steele 21.6.05 9.10.92 born Bradfield 21.6.05 died Hambledon 9.10.92 and his wife Ruth Wilson Steele born Handsworth 10.2.10, died Hambledon 31.8.01
362 Francis W & Jean S Finnigan 10.2.92 Lt Col Francis Walter (Tosty) Finnigan MC died 10.2.92 aged 78. and his wife Jean Sime Finnigan (nee Douty) MBE died 4.6.92 Aged 79. They served their country and were loyal to their family and friends.
363 Cameron Hammond 16.10.82 Aged 82. South of England Showman
364 Montague Hammond 28.5.1985 Aged 77. A much loved South of England showman
365 Amy Mary Hammond 5.12.85 aged 69. wife of Montague
366 Daisy Elizabeth Thorne (& Margaret E Holland) 23.12.09 14.3.84 daughter of above Margaret Elizabeth Holland born 11.4.46 died 22.4.96
367 Ursula & Charles Finch Oldham (ashes, Charles) 1911 1984 Arthur Charles Godolphin 1905-1998
368 Edith Beatrice Arden-White (& ashes Cecilia D Townsend, ashes & Herman Guy Collingwood Townsend) 1904 1983 1984-1983and Cecilia Davina 1907-1992 Inscription just for Herman Guy and Cecilia Davina
369 Lucy Marjorie Harvey 7.4.85 Aged 94
370 Alice Harris 9.3.33 Alice Harris 9th March 1933 Aged 88 Tranouillit(?)
371 VACANT (?)
372 Martin B Caroe 1933 1999 Martin Bragg Caroe of Vann
373 William D Caroe
376 Dennis LE Wieler 20 Nov 1930 31 Oct 1997 Dennis LE Wieler of Feathercombe born 20 Nov 1930 Died 21 Oct 1997
378 VACANT (?)
379 Mary Violet Millicent Etherton 7 Jul 2003 Mary Etherton died 7 July 2003 aged 84
380 Geoffrey John Thorne 29.5.1912 13.11.99 G J Thorne Jack born 29.5.1912 died 13.11.1999
381 Susan Sewell 1959 1995 Susan Jennifer Ann Sewell 1959-1995
382 Sydney L & Louise Cathleen Elliott 25 Sep 1995 Sidney Leonard Elliott died 25 Sep 1995 aged 75 Louise Kathleen Elliott “Jim” died 1st March 2004 aged 81
383 Nichola F Pickup 7 Jun 1957 7 Feb 1993 Nicola Fleur Pickup born 7th June 1957 died 7th February 1993
384 Ronald Denyer 1991 worn/overgrown headstone
385 Elsie May & Mary E Sertin 1897 1990 Elsie May Sertin 1897-1990 Mary E Sertin worn/overgrown headstone
386 Charlie Eliott 23 Apr 1990 Charlie Noel Elliott died 23 April 1990 aged 74
387 Evelyn Lilly Collins 12.9.08 12.9.88 Farncombe Evelyn Lilly Collins born 12.9.08 died 12.9.88
388 Joan Howarth Robinson 21 Nov 1988 Squirrels Wood, Wormley Hill, Wormley Joan Haworth Robinson died November 21st 1988 aged 71
389 William O’Callaghan
390 Rosemary E, Harold & Lilian Whale (ashes, Howard) 14 Nov 1989 In memory of Rosemary Elizabeth Whale died 14th November 1989 aged 41 years
391 Peter F Monks Peter F Monks wooden cross
392 Alan Talman 25 Apr 1997 In memory of my husband, Dad, Grandpa Alan Talman died 25 April 97 aged 59.
393 Audrey Stedall 1910 1999 In loving memory of Audrey Wishart Stedall nee Cotton 1910-1999 and her beloved husband Marcus BP Stedall 1905-1982 and their eldest child Carolyn S Stedall 1938-1945
394 Thalia Dean 1918 2000 In loving memory of Thalia Mary Dean born 7th August 1918, died 10th December 2010
395 Michael J Atkins 1934 2001 In loving memory of Michael James Atkins 1934-2001
396 VACANT (?)
397 VACANT (?)
398 VACANT (?)
399 VACANT (?)
400 VACANT (?)
401 VACANT (?)
402 VACANT (?)
403 VACANT (?)
404 VACANT (?)
405 VACANT (?)
406 VACANT (?)
408 Julian H Williams 1969 2008 Julian Williams “Joolz” 14-12-69 26-07-08
409 Martha L Davis Martha Davis Rest in Peace
410 Lilian M (& W Leonard) Edwards 1905 1993 Loving memory of Lilian May Edwards born 23.2.1905 died 1.4.1993 William Leonard Edwards born 14.11.1903 died 6.6.2000 Eternal God and father all our days are blest living in your sight
411 Gordon T Brignall 1934 1996 In loving memory of Gordon Trevor Brignall 21-12-1934 – 10-11-1996 a much loved husband
412 K Jean Montin 1999 In loving memory of Kathleen Jean Montyn nee Dudley wife and mother died 21st November 1999 aged 73 years
413 Diana R Taylor 1949 2001 in memory of Diana Rachael Taylor. Much loved daughter and sister 21st April 1949 – 21st May 2001 Thine For Ever
414 Darren W Knott 1968 2001 In loving memory of a dear husband and father Darren Knott 31.10.1968 – 06.08.2001 We will love you forever
415 A George Clark 1917 2002 In loving memory of Alfred G Clark ‘George’ 3.3.1917 – 19.4.2002 Husband to Hanna God Bless
416 Frederick JF Elliott 1909 2003 In loving memory of Fred Elliot 1909 – 2003 aged 94
417 Eric John & June Elization Vranch 1925 2008 In memory of Eric John Vranch 1925 – 2008 and his wife Jane Elizabeth 1926- 2009
418 Paddy M Gravestock 1932 2004 In loving memory of Paddy Mary Susan Gravestock a beloved wife and mother 10th August 1932 – 26h May 2004
419 Oskar Wieser 1941 2003 Treasured memories of Oskar Wieser 13th August 1941, 31st October 2005 loved and missed by all forever in our hearts
419 (a) Neville R Sewell 1937 2006 Nev, Neville Robert Sewell, 11th Dec. 1937 – 5th April 2006 a devoted husband, dad and grandad much loved and forever in our thoughts
419 (b) Sylvia Harvey 1930 2006 In loving memory of Sylia IC Harvey 8th February 1930 to 13th November 2006. Caring daughter, sister and auntie
419 (c) Maria Pink 1964 2008 In loving memory of Maria Ann Pink, a caring mother, daughter, sister and friend 24th July 1964 – 30th April 2008 Rest in peace
420 VACANT (?)
421 Jack A (and Pat?) Sanguinetti 1907 1986 In treasured memory of Jack Allen Sanguinetti 1907-1986. A devoted husband, father and grandfather greatly loved. Darling wife Pat Sanguinetti 1917-2003. Adored mother
422 VACANT (?)
423 VACANT (?)
424 VACANT (?)
425 VACANT (?)
426 VACANT (?)
427 VACANT (?)
428 VACANT (?)
429 VACANT (?)
430 VACANT (?)
431 VACANT (?)
432 VACANT (?)
433 Lilian Rosina Sage 1894 1998 In loving memory of Dear Auntie Rose, Lilian Rosina Sage July 1894 – November 1998. The Lord Bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and give you peace
434 John M Blanchard 1931 2005 Dear John 1931-2005 John Malcolm Blanchard died 15th July 2005 aged 73 years
435 Susan Kim Kane 1961 2005 Sue Kane 4 July 1961, 8 October 2005 Dragonfly out in the sun
436 Christopher King 2006 Christopher King died 25th Sept 2006, aged 71 years
437 Edith V & William Lintott- Porter In loving memory of Edith & Bill Lintott-Porter
438 Clive RR Harvey 2008 Clive Reginald Basil Harvey, died30th March 2008, aged 72 years
439 James Edward Knight
440 Shirley Pollock 1935 2010
I am researching the Lambert family and was so pleased to find your transcription of the wording on the gravestones at Hambledon, as the stones seem to be indecipherable now. I can give you more details on the Lamberts buried here. I also came across the grave of Frank Bishop Arnold and his wife Mary. He is a most interesting character, and I am pretty sure his gravestone was from the Compton Pottery founded by Mary Seton Watts, wife of the Victorian artist G F Watts. My colleague who is writing a book on the Pottery thinks it is and… Read more »
We would be delighted to have a copy of your brief life history of Frank Arnold. We have had several visitors to the churchyard in the last year who have asked about this grave and we would like to know more,particularly if there is a link to the Compton Pottery and Mary Seton Watts.
Please do get in touch with our minister, Catherine McBride,or myself, Liz Cooke, Churchwarden at the Church Office in Busbridge. Tel 01483 421267
Hi Gail. If this is not too late can you please tell us more about Abraham Lambert? We live in his old house! Best wishes Andrew
I’m british/italian citizen and I live in Italy. My mother Irene Hardy was from Blackpool and my grandparents are barried in this cemetery. I found their names at no. 182 as Sidney and Ellen (for Hardy Sidney Joseph and Swift Ellen). Can you help me to find their dates of birth and death? I’d really appreciate your help. ’cause I try to find information about my family. Thank you
These appear on a genealogy website. I have no way of telling if they are related to you, though ! 1939 Register Transcription Frogley Household (3 People) Maltlhouse Lane , Hambledon R.D., Surrey, England First name(s) Last name(s) DOB Sex Occupation Marital status Schedule Schedule Sub Number Sidney Frogley 30 Oct 1875 Male Jobbing Gardener Married 82 1 Ellen Frogley 20 Mar 1879 Female Unpaid Domestic Duties Married 82 2 Ernest Frogley 01 Jan 1911 Male Chauffeur Gardener Single 82 3 and Ellen Swifts : Swift Ellen 1879 — 1879 England & Wales Births 1837-2006 Houghton Le Spring, Durham, England… Read more »
This is probably not the correct forum for this question and I apologise in advance. My great grandparents Edward (Ned) and Kathleen Farmer (116) lived in a house called ‘Vernons’ in Hambledon while he was huntsman for the Chiddingfold Hunt. This must have been in the 1930s. I have tried to search for mentions of this house on line but have only extracted the fact that it was owned by a WP Joyce in 1939. The name may have been changed of course or most likely its been demolished or even bombed? Any clue as to its location would be… Read more »
Hello I was drawn here because I saw a reference in google to John March in your lists but I can’t actually see him on the page? I believe he is my gt x 7 grandad.
Thank you. I have been able to tie up a loose end in my family tree having found the information regarding James and Martha Miles. I wondered where they had disappeared to after a brief stay at nearby Hascombe. I will visit your delightful village when I can.
hi there! thank you for taking the time to research your graveyard. I have located the name of my 3rd great grandmother Elizabeth Morton on your list, now I can happily take a day trip to the churchyard, knowing I’ll find her!
many thanks
I am researching the Turrell Family – I have not found any on your listing – although you are doing a great job. From research a William Turrell died in Hambledon in October 1853 & a Charlotte Turrell (Trusler) died in Jan 1898 in Hambledon. Are there any other churchyards in this area? as planning to visit in July to do further research. many thanks
Thanks to all who transcribed the grave markers. Through their efforts I have been able to add more information to my Winkworth tree.
In 1973 my parents, Charles and Gina Wenham moved out to Spain with my brother, my sister and me. My Aunt Ingrid Patricia Wenham and my Grandfather John Henry Wenham had died not long before we moved to Spain. I have no information and no contact with my Grandfathers family. My nephew is working on the family tree for a school project and I can’t give him much information on that side of the family. From the details in your project I think that my Aunt and Grandfather must be buried in Hambledon Graveyard. Have you got any information about… Read more »