Village Signage

Over the years I have noticed that there a little signs for things like the shop or Oakhurst Cottage dotted around the village. Hambledon is quite spread out for a village, and people who don’t know the village wouldn’t know where the shop or church or cricket green are.

So I’ve wondered if it would be more useful, and in keeping with the village to have fingerposts instead. Following the 1964 standardisation, most old-style signs of all shapes and sizes were ripped up and replaced. But a lot of rural areas still have fingerposts, especially Hampshire. (though a personal favourite is Buttermere in the Lake District) As you can see below, Hampshire’s are often only shoulder height, but I’ve made the images below a more standard road sign height.

At the last Parish Council meeting, I presented the idea of placing new metal fingerposts around the Village. Old signs tended to be cast iron, but replacement ones are usually aluminium now. One of the advantages of metal fingerposts is you can have more directions for it to be pointing at, as the writing can be clear smaller. They obviously last longer than timber ones too. 

There is a requirement that signage needs to be a certain distance from a highway, and that may place it on private land. I’ve photoshopped some examples of replacing either existing directional signs, or public footpath ones, to potentially get around that issue. But I have placed in photoshop a couple of examples of new locations too.

Lane End Now
Lane End Proposed
Merry Harriers Proposed
Woodlands Road Top Proposed
Woodlands Road Bottom Proposed
Village Shop Proposed
Woodlands Road Proposed (closeup)

As you can see, the signs may be able to show the existing locations such as Chiddingfold or Dunsfold etc. But we could also add the shop (post office), stations, the Church and the Pub. 

The Parish Council have said they will investigate what is and isn’t allowed on signage, and obviously there’s the hurdle of funding. The council suggested sharing on the website for people to feedback on, I hope you like them. 

Gareth Munro – June 2024

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Steve M
Steve M
7 months ago

Brilliant idea. Thanks for suggesting. Let’s make this happen.

J Madincea
J Madincea
7 months ago

Signs look great and it would be helpful to get them further down Vann Lane at the sharp corners at Pockford Road and at Upper Vann.

7 months ago

Brilliant idea Gareth. Happy to support any representations to the Parish Council.

Ros Allen
Ros Allen
7 months ago

Great idea, too many individual signs are confusing and messy. This is so much clearer!!

Martin Cooper
Martin Cooper
7 months ago

Yes think this would be really good.

7 months ago

I love this idea and think they look fantastic 👍

7 months ago

They look lovely and would be really helpful!

Antonia Pascoe
Antonia Pascoe
7 months ago

Gareth, I too feel this is missing in the village and love your idea of the old style finger posts which would look in keeping with the lamdscape

Carole Davis
Carole Davis
7 months ago

They look so much tidier,especially if a finger post was placed at the junction of Vann lane & lane End .

Hambledon Parish Council
Hambledon Parish Council
7 months ago

Gareth presented his ideas to the May parish council meeting. Broadly they were welcomed by councillors. HOWEVER, and it is a big however, the parish council has no powers on this issue. Road signage and the placement of signs is an issue for Surrey County Council, the highways authority. SCC owns roadside verges and directions signs are regulated and authorised. Our clerk has contacted SCC for further advice and to see what permissions would be needed. An additional issue is – who would pay for the signs? Even if we can go ahead with the scheme the parish council has… Read more »

Gareth Munro
6 months ago

Is there an update on this? If the signs are on private land, which many would be. Do they have to inform highways and SCC. If people want to buy one or there are funds, can they just do so?

Last edited 6 months ago by gareth
Hambledon Parish Council
Hambledon Parish Council
6 months ago
Reply to  Gareth Munro

I think the Parish Council is still awaiting a responses from Surrey CC in the first instance, but please look at the following link to see what has been achieved at another Surrey village. We will follow up on this.

Gareth Munro
17 days ago

For those that may be interested, the last council meetings notes said:

Fingerpost signs- The clerk will investigate potential costs involved. SCC have indicated this project is possible but only if it has private funding. 

So unless there’s a fund somewhere to help, we’d have to pay for the signs as a village. I’m sure it’s a long way down the list of needs of the village, but nice to know we can do them if we want to.

Gavin Harper
Gavin Harper
13 days ago

Hello Gareth,

I think I’m correct in understanding that you had sign posts put up in Hambledon. The sign for the church was knocked off the other day and I would like to get a quote for having it replaced, could you please help me with contact details?
Gavin 07956834262

PS if anyone else sees this please pass on to Gareth as I’m not sure if this is the best method of communication!